Support Channels

Getting the Best Support


Check Documentation

Search this documentation first - your question might already be answered!

Use Command + K to open the AI search assistant to answer your questions and queries directly from the documentation.


Search Existing Issues

Check GitHub issues and Discord channels for similar problems and solutions.


Gather Information

Please provide for the best support:

  • Alex Sidebar version (e.g. 1.3.7)
  • Xcode version (e.g. 16.2)
  • Steps to reproduce (if reporting an issue)

Reporting Issues


Create a GitHub Issue

Visit our bug report page which will automatically use our bug report template


Include Essential Information

**System Information:**
- Alex Sidebar Version: x.x.x
- macOS Version: xx.xx
- Xcode Version: xx.x

Clear description of the issue

**Steps to Reproduce:**
1. Step one
2. Step two
3. Step three

**Expected Behavior:**
What should happen

**Actual Behavior:**
What actually happens

If applicable

Recording Issues

For visual issues or complex workflows:

  1. Use macOS Screen Recording (Shift + Command + 5)
  2. Keep recordings focused and under 2 minutes
  3. Upload to GitHub issue or share via Discord

Feature Requests


Create a Feature Request

Visit our feature request page which will automatically use our feature request template


Include Essential Information

**Describe the feature**
A description of what is happening.

**Screenshots/Screen recordings**
Please attach any screen shots or screen recordings here.

**What version are you on currently?**
- Version [e.g. 1.2.0]

Gather Support

Share your idea on Discord to gather community feedback and discuss implementation possibilities

Community Guidelines

When participating in our community:

  • Be respectful and constructive
  • Stay on topic
  • Help others when you can
  • Follow channel-specific guidelines

Support Hours

Our team is primarily based in PST (Pacific Standard Time).

  • Discord: Community help available 24/7
  • GitHub Issues: Monitored during business hours
  • Email Support: Response within 1-2 business days